Friday, December 21, 2012

Introduction to NSS@Foodie

I love a good meal. Come on, who doesn't?

Over the years, I have acquired a habit of photographing my meals, from the awesome to the outright atrocious. Friends and relatives have repeatedly wondered if I would someday blog about my foodie experiences, but I have always shied away from that idea as it sounds like a very personal and time consuming activity. Until now. I am still just as busy as before, but having scoured the net on foodie opinions, I have realised that there are few food critics who have been able to convey the wave of emotions that I have experienced while dining, and there is simply too much focus on 'popular' eateries in food blogs, such that truly simple food in the humble neighbourhood coffeeshop or hawker centre is often overlooked.

I hope that I will be able to convey my (often too harsh) version of food experiences to you, the reader, and in the process, attempt to bring about improvements in the quality of the food and overall dining experience at the places that I have dined at.

Happy reading! Please feel free to leave any comments on any foodie-related topic. I will try and read your comment but I may not respond. =)


Disclaimer: The opinion listed in this blog are solely that of mine, and I do not receive kickbacks (unless otherwise stated) and do not believe in showering praise for the sake of doing so. In other words, I try to be as impartial, blunt and critical as possible in my reviews. If you are looking for a food recommendation website or blog, I am afraid I must disappoint you.

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